Previously we showed that visual dissimilarities across source tasks can significantly hinder multitask learning (Ms. Pacman with visual transformations).ΒΆ

Here we visualize the task observations in the negative interference experiment of a previous project.ΒΆ

This is to gain insight intoΒΆ

(1) the relationship between qualitative and quantitative measures of dissimilarity between observations from differing tasks
(2) negative interference in multitask/transfer learning due to visual dissimilarities between observations from differing source tasks
(3) why our proposed approach using disentangled latent representations for a previous project reduced negative interference in multitask learning over a competitive baseline
(4) 1, 2, and 3 in realistic multitask learning settings (i.e. using the original and negative interference source task sets described below) instead of the contrived Ms. Pacman with visual transformations setting.

We compare observations from the original set of source tasks with the observations from the set of source tasks that was intended to induce negative interference in multitask learning.ΒΆ

Original source tasks:ΒΆ

  1. Beam Rider
  2. Demon Attack
  3. Phoenix
  4. Space Invaders

These four tasks are visually similar and are intended for productive multitask learning. A frame from each game is shown in a section below.

Source tasks intended to induce negative interference:ΒΆ

  1. Beam Rider
  2. Demon Attack
  3. Phoenix
  4. Riverraid

We replace Space Invaders with Riverraid, which is visually dissimilar to the other three tasks. A frame from each game is shown in a section below. We visualize this below through multiple data visualization methods.

Multitask policy performance on the set of source tasks intended to induce negative interference (from a previous project)ΒΆ

Our previous project explored the use of disentangled latent representations in order to reduce negative interference in multitask learning due to visual dissimilarities across source tasks.

Here are results of the approach proposed in the project and a baseline, Actor-Mimic, for multiple values of \beta, the parameter that controls the degree of disentanglement, on the negative interference induced source tasks:

In [31]:
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

plt.figure(figsize=(22, 22))

We see that the use of disentangled latent representations consistently improved multitask performance.

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cv2

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

import seaborn as sns
In [2]:
# This loads and returns image data.
def load_data(data_path, is_color=True):

    data = [cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_path, f), is_color) for f in os.listdir(data_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_path, f))]
    data = np.array(data)
    img_shape = data[0].shape   
    return data

Original multitask source tasksΒΆ

1. Beam RiderΒΆ

2. Demon AttackΒΆ

3. PhoenixΒΆ

4. Space InvadersΒΆ

In [3]:
N_total = 4000
N_indiv = 1000

datas = []
data_paths = ['frames/beamrider/', 'frames/demonattack/', 'frames/phoenix/', 'frames/spaceinvaders/']
game_names = ['Beam Rider', 'Demon Attack', 'Phoenix', 'Space Invaders']

# Load data and apply same transformations as visual interference experiment does.
for data_path in data_paths:
    data = np.random.permutation(load_data(data_path))[:N_indiv]
In [4]:
print('Random frame from each game\n')
for data, game_name in zip(datas, game_names):
    plt.imshow(np.flip(data[np.random.randint(N_indiv)], axis=-1))
Random frame from each game

Beam Rider
Demon Attack
Space Invaders
In [5]:
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

n_tasks = 4
n_channels = datas[0].shape[3]
hist_data = [[[None, None] for j in range(n_channels)] for k in range(n_tasks)]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_tasks, ncols=n_channels, sharey='row', figsize=(20, 15))

cmaps = ['Blues', 'Greens', 'Reds'] 

colors_red = [(0.1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)]
colors_green = [(0, 0.1, 0), (0, 1, 0)]
colors_blue = [(0, 0, 0.1), (0, 0, 1)]
colors = [colors_blue, colors_green, colors_red]
n_bin = 255

for task_num in range(n_tasks):
    for channel_num in range(n_channels):
        hist_data[task_num][channel_num] = np.unique(datas[task_num][:, :, :, channel_num], return_counts=True)
        cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('a', colors[channel_num], N=n_bin)
        n, bins, patches = axes[task_num, channel_num].hist(datas[task_num][:, :, :, channel_num].ravel())
        bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])

        # scale values to interval [0,1]
        col = bin_centers - min(bin_centers)
        col /= max(col)
        for c, p in zip(col, patches):
            plt.setp(p, 'facecolor', cm(c))
        if channel_num == 0:
            axes[task_num, channel_num].set_ylabel(game_names[task_num], rotation=0, fontsize=25)
            axes[task_num, channel_num].yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.5, 0.45)
        if task_num == n_tasks - 1:
            axes[task_num, channel_num].set_xlabel(cmaps[channel_num], fontsize=25)
            axes[task_num, channel_num].xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.2)
In [6]:
data = np.vstack(datas)
data_reshaped = data.reshape(data.shape[0], -1)

X = data_reshaped.astype('float32') / 255.0

task_num_labels = np.vstack([np.full((N_indiv, 1), i) for i in range(n_tasks)])
task_num_labels = np.squeeze(task_num_labels)

print(X.shape, task_num_labels.shape)
(4000, 100800) (4000,)
In [7]:
# Load data into dataframe for easier plotting later
feat_cols = ['pixel' + str(i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]

df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=feat_cols)
df['task_num_labels'] = task_num_labels
df['task'] = df['task_num_labels'].apply(lambda i: game_names[i])

X, task_num_labels = None, None

print('Size of the dataframe: {}'.format(df.shape))
Size of the dataframe: (4000, 100802)
In [8]:
# t-SNE with PCA input
rand_perm_idxes = np.random.permutation(df.shape[0])

df_subset = df.loc[rand_perm_idxes[:(n_tasks * N_indiv)], :].copy()
data_subset = df_subset[feat_cols].values

pca_n_comp = 50
pca_n = PCA(n_components=pca_n_comp)
pca_result_n = pca_n.fit_transform(data_subset)

df_subset['pca-one'] = pca_result_n[:, 0]
df_subset['pca-two'] = pca_result_n[:, 1]
# df_subset['pca-three'] = pca_result_n[:, 2] 

cum_var_explained_1 = []
for i in np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8):
    print('Cumulative explained variation for {} principal components: {}'.format(i, np.sum(pca_n.explained_variance_ratio_[:i])))
sns.lineplot(x=np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8), y=cum_var_explained_1)
plt.title('Cumulative variance explained by principal components for original source tasks')
plt.xlabel('# principal components')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative proportion of variance explained')
Cumulative explained variation for 1 principal components: 0.3641131818294525
Cumulative explained variation for 2 principal components: 0.5224758982658386
Cumulative explained variation for 3 principal components: 0.6558672189712524
Cumulative explained variation for 4 principal components: 0.7227882146835327
Cumulative explained variation for 5 principal components: 0.7412810921669006
Cumulative explained variation for 6 principal components: 0.7575116157531738
Cumulative explained variation for 7 principal components: 0.7724148035049438
Cumulative explained variation for 8 principal components: 0.7861771583557129
Cumulative explained variation for 9 principal components: 0.7988854646682739
Cumulative explained variation for 10 principal components: 0.8085424304008484
Cumulative explained variation for 11 principal components: 0.8180838227272034
Cumulative explained variation for 12 principal components: 0.8269002437591553
Cumulative explained variation for 13 principal components: 0.834416389465332
Cumulative explained variation for 14 principal components: 0.8405510187149048
Cumulative explained variation for 15 principal components: 0.845819890499115
Cumulative explained variation for 16 principal components: 0.8505961298942566
Cumulative explained variation for 17 principal components: 0.8547484278678894
Cumulative explained variation for 18 principal components: 0.8585105538368225
Cumulative explained variation for 19 principal components: 0.8618888258934021
Cumulative explained variation for 20 principal components: 0.8652019500732422
Cumulative explained variation for 21 principal components: 0.8684333562850952
Cumulative explained variation for 22 principal components: 0.871577799320221
Cumulative explained variation for 23 principal components: 0.8744804263114929
Cumulative explained variation for 24 principal components: 0.8773705959320068
Cumulative explained variation for 25 principal components: 0.8799660205841064
Cumulative explained variation for 26 principal components: 0.8825584053993225
Cumulative explained variation for 27 principal components: 0.8848516941070557
Cumulative explained variation for 28 principal components: 0.8871281743049622
Cumulative explained variation for 29 principal components: 0.8892303109169006
Cumulative explained variation for 30 principal components: 0.8913124203681946
Cumulative explained variation for 31 principal components: 0.8933210968971252
Cumulative explained variation for 32 principal components: 0.8952525854110718
Cumulative explained variation for 33 principal components: 0.8971388936042786
Cumulative explained variation for 34 principal components: 0.898952066898346
Cumulative explained variation for 35 principal components: 0.9006879329681396
Cumulative explained variation for 36 principal components: 0.9023866057395935
Cumulative explained variation for 37 principal components: 0.9040312170982361
Cumulative explained variation for 38 principal components: 0.9056193828582764
Cumulative explained variation for 39 principal components: 0.9071666598320007
Cumulative explained variation for 40 principal components: 0.9087052941322327
Cumulative explained variation for 41 principal components: 0.9102376699447632
Cumulative explained variation for 42 principal components: 0.9117106199264526
Cumulative explained variation for 43 principal components: 0.9131139516830444
Cumulative explained variation for 44 principal components: 0.9145060777664185
Cumulative explained variation for 45 principal components: 0.9158121347427368
Cumulative explained variation for 46 principal components: 0.9171119928359985
Cumulative explained variation for 47 principal components: 0.9183259606361389
Cumulative explained variation for 48 principal components: 0.919533371925354
Cumulative explained variation for 49 principal components: 0.9207086563110352
Cumulative explained variation for 50 principal components: 0.9218705296516418
In [9]:
time_start = time.time()
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=0, perplexity=40, n_iter=1000, learning_rate=200.0, n_jobs=-1)
tsne_pca_results = tsne.fit_transform(pca_result_n)
print('t-SNE done! Time elapsed: {} seconds'.format(time.time()-time_start))

df_subset['tsne-pca{}-one'.format(pca_n_comp)] = tsne_pca_results[:, 0]
df_subset['tsne-pca{}-two'.format(pca_n_comp)] = tsne_pca_results[:, 1]
t-SNE done! Time elapsed: 47.151090145111084 seconds
In [10]:
ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    x="pca-one", y="pca-two",
    palette=sns.color_palette("husl", n_tasks),
# plt.legend([1, 2, 3, 4], title='transform', loc='upper right')
ax3 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    x='tsne-pca{}-one'.format(pca_n_comp), y='tsne-pca{}-two'.format(pca_n_comp),
    palette=sns.color_palette("husl", n_tasks),
plt.title('t-SNE with PCA input')
# plt.legend([1, 2, 3, 4], title='transform', loc='upper right')

Replace Space Invaders with Riverraid to induce negative interferenceΒΆ

1. Beam RiderΒΆ

2. Demon AttackΒΆ

3. PhoenixΒΆ

4. RiverraidΒΆ

In [11]:
N_total = 4000
N_indiv = 1000

datas = []
data_paths = ['frames/beamrider/', 'frames/demonattack/', 'frames/phoenix/', 'frames/riverraid/']
game_names = ['Beam Rider', 'Demon Attack', 'Phoenix', 'Riverraid']

# Load data and apply same transformations as visual interference experiment does.
for data_path in data_paths:
    data = np.random.permutation(load_data(data_path))[:N_indiv]
In [12]:
import matplotlib.image as mpimg

print('Random frame from each game\n')
for data, game_name in zip(datas, game_names):
    plt.imshow(np.flip(data[np.random.randint(N_indiv)], axis=-1))
Random frame from each game

Beam Rider
Demon Attack
In [13]:
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

n_tasks = 4
n_channels = datas[0].shape[3]
hist_data = [[[None, None] for j in range(n_channels)] for k in range(n_tasks)]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n_tasks, ncols=n_channels, sharey='row', figsize=(20, 15))

cmaps = ['Blues', 'Greens', 'Reds'] 

colors_red = [(0.1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0)]
colors_green = [(0, 0.1, 0), (0, 1, 0)]
colors_blue = [(0, 0, 0.1), (0, 0, 1)]
colors = [colors_blue, colors_green, colors_red]
n_bin = 255

for task_num in range(n_tasks):
    for channel_num in range(n_channels):
        hist_data[task_num][channel_num] = np.unique(datas[task_num][:, :, :, channel_num], return_counts=True)
        cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('a', colors[channel_num], N=n_bin)
        n, bins, patches = axes[task_num, channel_num].hist(datas[task_num][:, :, :, channel_num].ravel())
        bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])

        # scale values to interval [0,1]
        col = bin_centers - min(bin_centers)
        col /= max(col)
        for c, p in zip(col, patches):
            plt.setp(p, 'facecolor', cm(c))
        if channel_num == 0:
            axes[task_num, channel_num].set_ylabel(game_names[task_num], rotation=0, fontsize=25)
            axes[task_num, channel_num].yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.5, 0.45)
        if task_num == n_tasks - 1:
            axes[task_num, channel_num].set_xlabel(cmaps[channel_num], fontsize=25)
            axes[task_num, channel_num].xaxis.set_label_coords(0.5, -0.2)

Riverraid differs from the other three source tasks here much more than Space Invaders does.

In [14]:
data = np.vstack(datas)
data_reshaped = data.reshape(data.shape[0], -1)

X = data_reshaped.astype('float32') / 255.0

task_num_labels = np.vstack([np.full((N_indiv, 1), i) for i in range(n_tasks)])
task_num_labels = np.squeeze(task_num_labels)

print(X.shape, task_num_labels.shape)
(4000, 100800) (4000,)
In [15]:
# Load data into dataframe for easier plotting later
feat_cols = ['pixel' + str(i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]

df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=feat_cols)
df['task_num_labels'] = task_num_labels
df['task'] = df['task_num_labels'].apply(lambda i: game_names[i])

X, task_num_labels = None, None

print('Size of the dataframe: {}'.format(df.shape))
Size of the dataframe: (4000, 100802)
In [16]:
# t-SNE with PCA input
rand_perm_idxes = np.random.permutation(df.shape[0])

df_subset = df.loc[rand_perm_idxes[:(n_tasks * N_indiv)], :].copy()
data_subset = df_subset[feat_cols].values

pca_n_comp = 50
pca_n = PCA(n_components=pca_n_comp)
pca_result_n = pca_n.fit_transform(data_subset)

df_subset['pca-one'] = pca_result_n[:, 0]
df_subset['pca-two'] = pca_result_n[:, 1]
# df_subset['pca-three'] = pca_result_n[:, 2] 

cum_var_explained_2 = []
for i in np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8):
    print('Cumulative explained variation for {} principal components: {}'.format(i, np.sum(pca_n.explained_variance_ratio_[:i])))
sns.lineplot(x=np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8), y=cum_var_explained_2)
plt.title('Cumulative variance explained by principal components for source tasks with induced negative interference')
plt.xlabel('# principal components')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative proportion of variance explained')
Cumulative explained variation for 1 principal components: 0.6419513821601868
Cumulative explained variation for 2 principal components: 0.7753466367721558
Cumulative explained variation for 3 principal components: 0.8110954165458679
Cumulative explained variation for 4 principal components: 0.8409395217895508
Cumulative explained variation for 5 principal components: 0.8621181845664978
Cumulative explained variation for 6 principal components: 0.8742122054100037
Cumulative explained variation for 7 principal components: 0.8817141056060791
Cumulative explained variation for 8 principal components: 0.8885712027549744
Cumulative explained variation for 9 principal components: 0.8948193788528442
Cumulative explained variation for 10 principal components: 0.9003148674964905
Cumulative explained variation for 11 principal components: 0.904592752456665
Cumulative explained variation for 12 principal components: 0.9086334109306335
Cumulative explained variation for 13 principal components: 0.9124833941459656
Cumulative explained variation for 14 principal components: 0.9156887531280518
Cumulative explained variation for 15 principal components: 0.9188258051872253
Cumulative explained variation for 16 principal components: 0.9213941693305969
Cumulative explained variation for 17 principal components: 0.9236295223236084
Cumulative explained variation for 18 principal components: 0.9256358742713928
Cumulative explained variation for 19 principal components: 0.927558183670044
Cumulative explained variation for 20 principal components: 0.9293143153190613
Cumulative explained variation for 21 principal components: 0.9310088157653809
Cumulative explained variation for 22 principal components: 0.9325857758522034
Cumulative explained variation for 23 principal components: 0.9340521693229675
Cumulative explained variation for 24 principal components: 0.9354581236839294
Cumulative explained variation for 25 principal components: 0.9367876648902893
Cumulative explained variation for 26 principal components: 0.9380888342857361
Cumulative explained variation for 27 principal components: 0.9393739104270935
Cumulative explained variation for 28 principal components: 0.940582275390625
Cumulative explained variation for 29 principal components: 0.9416730999946594
Cumulative explained variation for 30 principal components: 0.9427232146263123
Cumulative explained variation for 31 principal components: 0.9437310099601746
Cumulative explained variation for 32 principal components: 0.9446917772293091
Cumulative explained variation for 33 principal components: 0.9456441402435303
Cumulative explained variation for 34 principal components: 0.9465179443359375
Cumulative explained variation for 35 principal components: 0.9473806023597717
Cumulative explained variation for 36 principal components: 0.948204517364502
Cumulative explained variation for 37 principal components: 0.9490067362785339
Cumulative explained variation for 38 principal components: 0.9497661590576172
Cumulative explained variation for 39 principal components: 0.9504857659339905
Cumulative explained variation for 40 principal components: 0.9511619210243225
Cumulative explained variation for 41 principal components: 0.9518280625343323
Cumulative explained variation for 42 principal components: 0.9524773359298706
Cumulative explained variation for 43 principal components: 0.9531221389770508
Cumulative explained variation for 44 principal components: 0.9537166953086853
Cumulative explained variation for 45 principal components: 0.9543067812919617
Cumulative explained variation for 46 principal components: 0.9548912048339844
Cumulative explained variation for 47 principal components: 0.9554411768913269
Cumulative explained variation for 48 principal components: 0.9559872150421143
Cumulative explained variation for 49 principal components: 0.9565030336380005
Cumulative explained variation for 50 principal components: 0.9570119976997375
In [17]:
time_start = time.time()
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=0, perplexity=40, n_iter=1000, learning_rate=200.0, n_jobs=-1)
tsne_pca_results = tsne.fit_transform(pca_result_n)
print('t-SNE done! Time elapsed: {} seconds'.format(time.time()-time_start))

df_subset['tsne-pca{}-one'.format(pca_n_comp)] = tsne_pca_results[:, 0]
df_subset['tsne-pca{}-two'.format(pca_n_comp)] = tsne_pca_results[:, 1]
t-SNE done! Time elapsed: 29.465226411819458 seconds
In [18]:
ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    x="pca-one", y="pca-two",
    palette=sns.color_palette("husl", n_tasks),
# plt.legend([1, 2, 3, 4], title='transform', loc='upper right')
ax3 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    x='tsne-pca{}-one'.format(pca_n_comp), y='tsne-pca{}-two'.format(pca_n_comp),
    palette=sns.color_palette("husl", n_tasks),
plt.title('t-SNE with PCA input')
# plt.legend([1, 2, 3, 4], title='transform', loc='upper right')

Note that the data points in the t-SNE of the original source task observations are less linearly separable than those of the t-SNE of the negative interference induced source task observations. A quick way to see this is to consider the difference in the clustering of the Space Invaders and Riverraid observations.

Comparison of PCA between the two sets of source tasksΒΆ

In [35]:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
sns.lineplot(x=np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8), y=cum_var_explained_1)
sns.lineplot(x=np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8), y=cum_var_explained_2)
cum_var_explained_diff = [cum_var_2 - cum_var_1 for cum_var_1, cum_var_2 in zip(cum_var_explained_1, cum_var_explained_2)]
sns.lineplot(x=np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8), y=cum_var_explained_diff)
plt.title('Cumulative variance explained by principal components for original and negative interference source task sets', fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('# principal components')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative proportion of variance explained')
plt.legend(['Original set', 'Negative interference set', 'Difference'])
plt.xticks(np.linspace(1, pca_n_comp, pca_n_comp, dtype=np.uint8))
plt.yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 21))

Fewer PCA components explain more variance for the negative interference induced source tasks than for the original source tasks because the observations between the former are more easily separable than the observations between the latter.

Explicitly, this is because Space Invaders was replaced with Riverraid, which both eliminated a task with observations relatively similar to the three remaining source task observations and added a task with observations relatively dissimilar to the three remaining source task observations. Each of these changes alone made it easier to separate the data, so both together made it much easier.